A few nights ago I had decided this blog was not being effective. I wasn't writing, which means no one was reading - including me. I hadn't even revisited my own reflections for months. I was considering shutting it down. Then, as if the universe knew my thoughts, I participated in Thursday night's #moedchat on Twitter. (Side note: if you are an educator, pick at least one ed chat and participate - it will positively impact your teaching. I highly recommend @MOedchat.) The topic for Thursday night's chat was, wait for it, blogging.
Throughout the night I was reminded how important reflection is to the teaching process. We become better by reviewing our lessons and values, evaluating their effectiveness, and making changes to improve our craft. I am thankful for all those educators who shared their knowledge in the chat because they convinced me, without knowing it, not to shut down this blog. Instead, I want to blog more than I have in the past - whether anyone reads it or not. Blogging is my chance to review and reflect - if I don't write it down, I will not truly think in-depth about anything. So, it is with this renewed vigor that I pledge to write more. In order to reach that goal (and hold myself accountable), I am listing below, in no particular order, topics I plan to blog about this summer. If you have any suggestions about my list, please feel free to comment below! (I also plan to comment on educator blogs more frequently...details on that later.)
My Blog To-Do List
Author's note: I hate to-do lists.
1. Connected educators/learning
2. My year in review
3. iPads in education
5. Importance of background knowledge
6. Kidblog
7. Standards based grading
8. Male teachers in elementary level classrooms
9. "Looping"
10. Classroom management
I'm sure there are more...but 10 seems like a nice stopping point.
Are you a blogging educator? I would love to discuss blogging for reflection and benefit from your experience. Feel free to begin a dialogue in the comments section!